![May be an image of 1 person](https://scontent.fnuu1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/54799970_1215471071933350_9015928071395475456_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_eui2=AeFuFh4AxlKipzTgb_MF-BXo7xi_Ai4BbsLvGL8CLgFuwhpfqUKpMfkVK8NDL23ewx8jOf6V0j_ek6HlJ3GtHkzW&_nc_ohc=dv125OT5_EYAX8-g8R3&_nc_ht=scontent.fnuu1-1.fna&oh=00_AT-JaP-yp1GhxY2slheMnTcsC9ZpqV-Q-gFJ_BjeKyhWMg&oe=62B0B8A2)
Kenya has made bigger step in terms of development in different sectors through the current
government led by Uhuru Kenyatta.
Eventhough the country is being developed day by day , the issue of hunger that has been seen claiming
some of the no one has been seen talking about .Even the politicians who are in need of citizens votes
have always evade this topic .
It’s noted that the nation is suffering from lack of enough food main example being the North eastern
part of the country.Due to change in weather pattern,crops were destroyed leaving farmers with only
little to feed them but not up-to-date.
It’s high time government should chip in and address this issue by first ensuring that they provide
enough support to farmers with production equipment so as to aid them in production.
Let the price of farm inputs be reduced since the county depends on farming as Main activity and also
the biggest source of food.
On the othrt hand price of food in the market should be reduced to a level that common mwananchi can
Let’s government adress the issue before loosing more lives because of hunger that results from
economical difficulty and due to low production rate resulting from lack of enough equipment for