Residents of Muthwani, Machakos county, are now calling upon Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to put up an electric fence to curb the invasion of wild animals that are attacking their children, animals and destroying their food crops.
This week, two children – a toddler and a 13 year old, were attacked by a hyena.One of the children was on his way back from ashop when the hyena attacked him. He is currently receiving his treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital while the toddler is at Machakos Level Five Hospital.
Residents of Muthwani have faced the problem of frequent attacks by wild animals and have accused KWS of taking long to respond.
Speaking to Chaisa Media, Benadette Mutinda a resident of Muthwani, said in another incident, a mother was attacked while trying to save her child from a hyena.
She added that the woman’s face was damaged beyond recognition.
The villagers in turn helped rescue the mother and child and the latter was rushed to the nearest hospital. “As a village headman, I urge teachers to let children report to school from 7am for their safety and to be back home before night crawls in,’’ Mutinda said.