In the last 48 hours, the news desk was not the best place to be. I perused through several cases of
deaths in Kenya and and a broad that would have been avoided. Below are just the top 5 (there were
1). In Texas a man killed 20 people; his grandmother, a teacher and 18 students, why so much deaths??.
2). A woman who saved the life of a man who had been a victim of domestic violence 20 years ago, fell
in love with him, then the same man stabbed her to death. But why so much deaths????
3). A Nakuru man who was so depressed that he climbed on top of an electricity pylon and got
4) The body of an elderly woman from the Mothers Guild who had been reported missing for days was
found dangling from a tree in a case of suspected suicide.
5). And we’ve not even recovered from the accident in Mai Mahiu.
What is happening to this world? Things are running out of hand? God’s people ain’t okey. Both young
and old.
I rushed home over the weekend to see my parents and 3 well known people had lost it. To suicide ?
Have you read about a lil girl by the name Hope? I wish I unread that. God have mercy and forgive us if
we have sin.
We we’re told that when the leader of a country turns away from God, it’s the people who suffer.
There’s so much evil going round and we’re told that it will get worse. What can we do? Pray, pray pray,
prayers of repentance, prayers of surrender, prayers of protection because we need God to forgive us &
heal us & our nation.